The House Whispering Quiz


What is your home telling you?


In feng shui, we learn that our homes mirror our lives. When we shift the energy of one, we shift the energy of the other.


In other words…


As a self-aware soul tired of dodging the same potholes, your home can be your greatest ally. She’ll be the muse who calls in everything from partnership to money.
The stories of your life are written in the arrangement of your furniture, the artwork on your walls, the things tucked away in the back of your closet. Feng shui helps interpret these stories.



So, where do you and your home begin?

The House Whispering Quiz will be your guide and show you:



What bagua area needs some zhushing.

Ba What?

The feng shui bagua map is an energy map that shows what area of your home is associated with what area of your life.



Easy yet pivotal changes to make in a specific area of your home to usher in the changes you’re craving.