by Dorena Kohrs | Apr 27, 2023 | Clutter Clearing, Feng Shui, Home, Space Clearing
In feng shui, the most important room of the home is the bedroom. It’s a mirror of our inner self. When we prioritize our bedroom, we prioritize ourselves. Our bedroom is also the space where we can rest and retreat from the world. A space that encourages us to listen...
by Dorena Kohrs | Aug 3, 2021 | Clutter Clearing, Feng Shui, Home, Space Clearing
Does it feel good? Or does it feel familiar? It’s like that impossible question at the end of your Philosophy midterm. You think what’s the difference. Aren’t they the same thing? And then… You pause just long enough to realize that good and familiar are often on...
by Dorena Kohrs | Aug 3, 2021 | Clutter Clearing, Feng Shui, Home, Space Clearing
“I’m just so tired.” Last week may be the first time I’ve ever heard my mom utter those words. She may be 86, but slowing down is as foreign to her as pay phones are to my kids. She taught me that there will be more work tomorrow, so don’t get behind today. But the...
by Dorena Kohrs | Aug 3, 2021 | Clutter Clearing, Feng Shui, Home, Space Clearing
I looked in the mirror, pointed a finger at my reflection and declared…. We’re done doing that. I don’t know who I was referring to when I said “we”? Perhaps all parts of myself – the conscious and the subconscious. But I do know that I was done. I was done burning...