Should You Sleep in Your Bathroom?

by | Jan 2, 2023 | Clutter Clearing, Feng Shui

You should sleep in your bathroom.


When I heard this advice offered to a client from a feng shui “master,” I nearly lost my cool. It made zero sense to me.

My guess is that the advice came from a purely technical perspective.

In feng shui, every area of your home is associated with an area of your life. For this client, her bathroom was in the area of her home associated with Wealth & Abundance.

It’s natural that when you want to increase your wealth, you should bring more energy into this space. And, sleeping in the bathroom would certainly bring more energy into the Wealth area of this client’s home.

But what kind of energy would it be?

I don’t know about you, but the only sleeping done in my bathroom is when I nod off during one of my hot bubble baths. And then the moment the water cools off, I’m awake and headed towards my nice comfy bed.

Sleeping in the bathtub as a matter of routine seems like a recipe for perpetual crankiness and a sore back.

So, what should you do if your Wealth & Abundance area is a bathroom, a closet or even the garage?

Can you feng shui these seemingly undesirable spaces?

The answer is YES!

Feng shui is all about bringing peace, harmony and balance to a space. It’s also about honoring the space and its purpose. It’s not about locking yourself into a constrained set of rules that are tighter than your grandmother’s corset.

You might not want to hang a designer piece of artwork in your garage or place a tabletop water fountain in your closet, but you can increase the energy of a space by doing these 3 things…

1. Declutter. Remove anything from the space that you don’t love, need or use.
2. Clean. Break out your favorite cleaning products and add a bit of elbow grease. There’s nothing more feng shui than a space that sparkles and smells fresh.
3. Organize. This is a twofold process. You’ll first want to make sure that everything in this space matches the purpose of the space. If it doesn’t, walk it back to its rightful place. If it does, make sure it has a proper home in the space.

These 3 things may not have the same sex appeal as adding sparkly crystals or vivid color to a space, but I promise you they are just as powerful when it comes to amplifying the energy of a space.

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