What To Do When Decluttering

by | Feb 3, 2022 | Clutter Clearing, Feng Shui, Home

Was it just me?

Or was January an exclamation point to 2021?

Rather than being the messenger of inspiration and new beginnings, January felt more like the cucumber I forgot about in the back of the refrigerator.

It was a month of procrastination. I didn’t want to plan out my business calendar. And I certainly didn’t want to go through my closet to see what no longer sparked joy. All I wanted to do was eat chocolate Lindt balls and watch Ted Lasso.

Just when I had given up on getting anything done in 2022, something miraculous happened.

Mars moved into the sign of Capricorn.

Mars is the planet that rules our energy. And Capricorns are the worker bees of the astrological world. It was this beautiful pairing that got my hiney off the couch and begin accomplishing things I’d been putting off.

It was like the Universe had sprinkled caffeine on my to do list.

I caught up on work projects. Cleaned baseboards. Bought cool new floating bookshelves.

And then emptied an entire closet full of memorabilia into the middle of my guest bedroom floor.

That’s when I felt it.

The heaviness. The overwhelm. The feeling that makes you want to quit and leave everything where it is forever. Or at least, never clean out a closet again.

Like so many of my clients, I had unleashed negative energy.

When we store belongings that we don’t love, need or use, negative energy builds up…whether that’s in a drawer, a closet, our attic or our garage. We often don’t realize how heavy that space feels until we get in there and begin shifting things.

When we start decluttering, we literally don’t know what hit us. All we know is that this feeling of decluttering sucks!

We become overwhelmed and tired, so we walk away from our decluttering project feeling worse than when we began. This creates a negative feedback loop that says avoid decluttering as much as you did your grandma’s liverwurst sandwiches.

Before you get too excited and cross off all the decluttering projects from your list, I have a pro tip that will help counteract the negative feedback loop, so you can declutter and not fall into a rabbit hole.

PRO TIP: Practice space clearing tips as you declutter.

It’s a way to neutralize any built-up negative energy when you tackle a big decluttering job.


1. Place small bowls of salt in the corners of the space you’re decluttering. I like to use the Morton’s rock salt, because it’s super easy to find in the grocery store, and it’s inexpensive. The salt will help absorb the negative energy that is released when you begin decluttering. Once you’re done working in the space, flush the salt down the toilet.

2. If weather is permitting, open the windows to the room you’re decluttering. This will help release the buildup of any negative energy. If it’s too hot or too cold outside, open the windows for just a few minutes.

3. Play upbeat music to help clear the air. If you have a power song, play it on repeat!

4. Diffuse essential oils. I love to use lemongrass, which is the oil of energetic cleansing. Eucalyptus is another great choice.

5. Burn a candle. The element of fire is transforming, and that’s exactly what you want to do! Transform the energy of the space. Candles are also a symbol of light in the darkness.

Next time you have a decluttering project, be sure to try one of these out. And let me know which is your favorite,

Here’s to decluttering without the overwhelm,


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