Creating Space for Joy

by | Sep 22, 2021 | Clutter Clearing, Feng Shui, Home

That was quite the plot twist!

A few weeks ago, I was sitting at my computer tweaking a presentation I was about to give.

Doing all the Virgo-esque things I like to do….

  • Correcting punctuation and spelling.
  • Changing font sizes.
  • Futzing with page designs.


  • Doing a practice run through my PowerPoint slides.

The practice run is what made my head spin as I heard myself say….

“Electricity represents our life force or energy.”


I felt the Rubik’s Cube pieces slide into place.

My presentation was about the messages we receive from our home. And I just realized that my home was sending me a message.

It wasn’t the first time I’d received this message. In fact, I’d been hearing various iterations of it for months now.


In the Interior Alignment School of Feng Shui, we talk about the metaphors of our homes. How our homes are a mirror of our lives. And when we shift the energy of one, we shift the energy of the other.

My home was mirroring my life.

In fact, for the past 14 years, we’ve had a problem with the electricity in our home. The Vitamix and the vacuum cleaner don’t like to play nice together. Nor do the air fryer and the toaster oven.

When too many things run at the same time, the circuit breaker taps out and turns everything off.

As I read the line in my presentation that “electricity represents our life force,” I realized that my home was short circuiting when too much was going on.

Just like I do.

I used to think multi-tasking was my superpower and a full calendar my badge of honor.

But my house reminded me AGAIN that too much noise and too much busy-ness is joy’s kryptonite.

Joy thrives in wide open spaces, not written into the margins of our calendar.

Now that I’ve heard what my home has to say…


  1. The words “I’ll figure it out.” Those are NEVER spacious words. They’re words I say when my calendar is already too full and I’m afraid to ask for help.
  1. Things I was previously committed to. This one is big! So often, we make a commitment to attend a weekly meeting or complete a particular course. Or even finish reading a book. And once we begin it, we realize we don’t like it. It’s no longer in alignment with our soul. I’m giving myself permission to change my mind and stop doing what no longer feels joyful. (PS. I’m happy to write you a permission slip too!)
  1. Other people’s stuff. This one can be subtle. Are we doing something or holding onto something, because that’s what someone else wants? Or, is it something we want? John Harold Moore, Family Constellations Facilitator, offers a great question to ferret out the answer…Are your actions coming from a place of inspiration, a place of obligation or a place of desperation?

Now it’s your turn?

What can you eliminate from your home and life, so you too can create more spaciousness and joy?

Here’s to making space for joy,

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