Space Doula® Blog
My Crusade Moment
➡️ I apologized. ➡️ I put my head down. ➡️ I drew my shoulders inward. If it weren’t for Helene on the other end of Zoom, I wouldn’t have realized what just happened. It was such an automatic and familiar response. But, she called me out “You just totally shut...
Do I Have to Let It Go?
In feng shui, the most important room of the home is the bedroom. It’s a mirror of our inner self. When we prioritize our bedroom, we prioritize ourselves. Our bedroom is also the space where we can rest and retreat from the world. A space that encourages us to listen...
Ready to Stop Procrastinating?
Do you know what the #1 most successful advertising campaign is of all times? Nike’s Just Do It. It connected so viscerally with their target market that 35 years later, Nike is still using it to brand their products. I love the tagline. It’s inspiring. Hopeful....
Should You Sleep in Your Bathroom?
You should sleep in your bathroom. WHAT?!?! When I heard this advice offered to a client from a feng shui “master,” I nearly lost my cool. It made zero sense to me. My guess is that the advice came from a purely technical perspective. In feng shui, every area of your...
A Hack For You
It was the 9th day of vacation, and the guilt was setting in. I’d never taken a two-week vacation in my life. Obligations always got in the way. Obligations to my clients. My business. My kids’ sports schedules. My dog. My houseplants. My budget. My list of projects....
Are You Okay?
I started typing in the chat…. “Some days I feel like I’m doing okay. Other days I feel like I want to run far, far away.” It wasn’t really a question, but I was hoping my friend Carrie could read between the lines. It was a Friday afternoon, and Carrie was doing her...
I Quit
I quit. There’s only so much emotional mud that I could be dragged through. And I had reached my limit. Last Christmas, I binge watched five episodes of Bridgerton and rode the roller coaster of Daphne and Simon’s love affair. Their story is one of unrequited love....
We Said No To Our Dream House
A few years ago, I had the "talk" with my mom. The one about where she wanted to live when she didn't want to live by herself anymore. She said with us. So, we sat down and talked about what that would look like. We decided that buying a new house together with a...
How Long Do You Wait?
We had a difficult conversation in our house this weekend. About the treehouse. It’s been in our backyard for over 8 years. It hasn’t been touched in over 3 years. So how long do you let something sit unattended until you take action on it? As I asked myself this...
Do This For Clarity
It was 5:30am. I picked up my phone to turn off the alarm and saw the text. “I would like you to consider." Followed by a series of accusations. After decades of being divorced and years of deep, inner-healing work, I found myself ricocheted back in time by my...
What To Do When Decluttering
Was it just me? Or was January an exclamation point to 2021? Rather than being the messenger of inspiration and new beginnings, January felt more like the cucumber I forgot about in the back of the refrigerator. It was a month of procrastination. I didn’t want to plan...
it can be THIS obvious
“My sheets have cactuses on them.” Last month, I spoke at a conference about creating momentum in our lives by making changes in our homes. Afterwards, a young woman came up to me and asked if I could help her. Attracting a relationship was harder than finding pumpkin...