It Can Be This Simple

by | Aug 3, 2021 | Clutter Clearing, Feng Shui, Home, Space Clearing

“I’m just so tired.”

Last week may be the first time I’ve ever heard my mom utter those words. She may be 86, but slowing down is as foreign to her as pay phones are to my kids.

She taught me that there will be more work tomorrow, so don’t get behind today.

But the past two weeks have been different.

On July 14th she was in a car accident. Although physically she barely has a scratch, emotionally it’s been difficult. The day of the accident, it was not only her car that flipped upside down, but also her life. For someone who is fiercely independent, the realization of not driving again hasn’t been easy.

As a recovering codependent and classic good girl, this has launched me into fix it mode.

Which means there are a lot of…

➡️  To do lists spread across my kitchen island.

➡️  Open computer tabs with google searches of senior transportation companies.

➡️  Calls to family to get everyone on board with my plans.

I thought I had to do it all. Including making best friends with every Uber driver in a 20-mile radius.

But then last Wednesday happened.

My mom called to let me know that she was ready for me to call Uber to pick her up from the store. And when I heard her voice, I knew fancy new bras hadn’t been the answer to what she needed.

Rather than taking Uber back to her house, I suggested she come to mine.

The first thing she said as she walked up to my front door was that she could Murphy Oil my kitchen cabinets.


I gently suggested that she might like to take a nap instead.

“Oh no….I don’t nap” was her response.

But, when I brought down the fluffy down pillow and tucked her under the super soft throw, I saw her begin to relax.

She murmured for me to go back into my office to get some work done.

Instead, I grabbed my computer and sat on the couch next to her where I’d sit for the next two hours as she slept.

What I realized in those moments is that my mom didn’t need me to be Wonder Woman. She didn’t need me to cross every “t” and dot every “i“ for her.

She just needed me to sit with her. Not talk. Not troubleshoot. Not plan.

And in the simplicity of being, she was able to feel safe and finally get the rest she needed.

The shift in energy that our homes need is often just as simple.

So often we think that we need to take a week of vacation time to clean out the attic. Or repaint the entire downstairs.

Or that we need to buy a compass to figure out if our front door is facing the right direction.

But the truth is that shifting the energy in your home doesn’t need to be complicated.

It’s often the simplest of changes that can have the greatest impact.


  • Open your front door daily. It’s the mouth of chi and where the energy enters your home.
  • Put on your favorite playlist. Playing music even when you’re not at home will uplift the vibe of your space.
  • Clean your windows. Your windows are the eyes of your home. Dirty windows are like dirty glasses. Clean them up and get your clarity back.
  • Put some fresh flowers on your table. Whether they’re from your garden or Trader Joe’s, they’ll instantly brighten your space.
  • Open your bedroom window. All those emotions you feel during the day are processed in your sleep. Opening your windows in the morning will clear the air and infuse your room with fresh energy.
  • Declutter a small area. Whether it’s your lingerie drawer or your refrigerator veggie drawer, a little bit of clutter clearing can be magical.

I’d love to hear which simple change you’re going to make. Pick one from my favorites or let me know one of yours.

Here’s to simplicity,


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